Royal Yak Baek-suk, a rare dish that was put on the king's surasang, is the representative menu of a large tree house that has been loved for more than 20 years.
The royal medicine baeksuk, made by a master of the royal medicine baeksuk, has a fragrant herbal aroma with 20 kinds of herbal ingredients, and does not smell of chicken at all. Using Korean flavored chicken, which was released after 15 years of research on local chickens by the Rural Development Administration's Livestock Science Institute, the meat is chewy and digestible, and contains glutinous rice, ginseng, jujube and 16 kinds of various mixed grains.
In addition, the black sesame seeds give off a black color and taste is excellent. All foods in the big tree house are made with the best ingredients obtained from nature without the addition of chemical seasonings.
가창 큰나무집 궁중약백숙

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